Aug 03, 2017 hi plumbob juice, i downloaded your lashes maybe around a year ago as it gave me a virus and i could even access the sims 4 with or without out the virous. I had to spend 4 hours looking for this cc open and continuesly closing sims 4. Im wanting to download these lashes again to see if they work. Is it possible you can make these lashes adfly free for if possible a week? Thank you SOOOOOOOO. Aug 06, 2020 The Most Beautiful Eyelashes Mods for The Sims 4. No looks can be completed without a good set of eyelashes. Whether they are gentle or powerful, eyelashes are like topping for a cake. And eyelashes mods are something we all need inside The Sims 4, so we went on a mission to find the best ones ever! Here they are! Nov 23, 2018 SIMS 4. These eyelashes are used by many Youtubers. NOTE: To find the lashes, go to CAS and go to the head accessoires to find the lashes. The Sims 4 Eyelashes custom content download. View more Sims 4 Custom Content downloads, only at Sims4CC.
Inspired by the sims 2, private school system (which i miss dearly) shenanagians has made private schools and option for the sims 4, getting in is challenging! The video review. Posted by xurbanbellax at 2:00 pm no comments: email this blogthis!
****Apr/18/2015 ****
I renewed my 3D Lashes. Accordingly,I’ll discontinue updating this.
I recommend the 3D Lashes version 2 (the latest)
Eyelashes For Sims 4 Toddlers Kids
3D Lashes version 2 (最新版です)
Please Do Not include my creations in your uploads.
****2014/12/15 UPDATE****Fixed an issue where the weird line shows up on some computers.
Fixed a minor issue where these eyelashes doesn’t show up in swimwear category.
- Eyelash for Teen/YA/Adult/Elder.
- Lashes are in Accessories category.(wear as Glasses)
- Eye shape deformation compatible.
- Female version has 2 types of eyelash mesh1 and mesh2.
- Feel free to recolor and retexture,
but,if you upload it somewhere,please DO NOT include mesh data.
Please link to my blog,as a way to get mesh data. - Also,please DO NOT copy my meshes.
- There may be cases where the mesh data is updated for fixing issue.
mesh1 col.Black
Thanks! : plumbob earrings by tamo
mesh2 col.Black
I’ve posted In-game screenshots on Tumblr.
Half lashes on EA eyelash
Lashes move with eye shape deformation and facial animation.
New eyelash designs for mesh1 and mesh2
Add 5 designs for mesh1 and mesh2
This is new designs for eyelash “mesh1” and “mesh2”.Mesh files are required.Please download from the above.

***** UPDATE 2014/11/20 *****
I’ve fixed “mesh 2” a little.

Eyelashes For Sims 4 3d
I’ve fixed “mesh 2” a little.([Kijiko]_eyelash_YF_mesh2.package)
There was a little gap on a edge of eyelash (Sorry!(;´艸`) ),so I’ve fixed it.
If you’ll use update file,please download again,and overwrite old file.
“mesh 2″ファイル([Kijiko]_eyelash_YF_mesh2.package)少々修正しました。
Known Issue
Lashes does not work correctly in laptop mode.
Lashes does not work correctly in laptop mode.Probably the behavior is by design.
The shader can’t draw transparent texture in laptop mode.